Config.yml File

# EconomyExchange by @PQguanfang
# This is the default rule, you can create unlimited rule in this plugin!
  # EXCHANGE ECONOMY - The economy that players will get.
  # Can be set to: "PlayerPoints", "Vault", "GamePoints", "EliteMobs", "PlayerTitle", "PlayerTask", "PEconomy;;<currencyName>" or "Cusstom;;<placeholder>;;<giveCommand>;;<takeCommand>".
  exchange-economy-type: PlayerPoints
  exchange-amount: 1
  # COST ECONOMY - The economy that players will cost.
  # In fact, they can be same as EXCHANGE ECONOMY :)
  cost-economy-type: Vault
  cost-amount: 100
  # Well, in this rule, player will cost 100 money to get 1 point.
  # The max times that player can use.
  # Don't worry, this can be set by commands or auto reset feature, just type a number here!
  max-times-per-players: 10
  # Yeah... The max times that all players can use.
  max-times-global-players: 100

# The second rule, maybe for VIPs?
  exchange-economy-type: PlayerPoints
  exchange-amount: 1
  cost-economy-type: Vault
  cost-amount: 50
  max-times-per-players: 50
  max-times-global-players: 500

# MySQL Feature
  # If you don't enable this feature, plugin will use SQLLite.
  enabled: false
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  username: root
  password: 123456
  # Create the database by YOURSELF, plugin won't help you create this...
  database: my_server
  # Set this to "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" if you are using < 1.18 version.
  jdbc-class: "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
  # Global server name in database, why you change this?
  global-name: "Global Server"
  # Auto save feature period time.
# Auto Save Feature
  enabled: true
  # Use tick, 20 tick = 1 second.
  period-time: 1200

# Auto Reset Feature
  # Can be disabled, if you have AutoRestart or TimeCommand plugins, use them to help you auto reset the data
  # is also a good idea.
  enabled: true
  # Where are you living?
  # Can be set to...
  # ACT - Australia/Darwin
  # AET - Australia/Sydney
  # AGT - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
  # ART - Africa/Cairo
  # AST - America/Anchorage
  # BET - America/Sao_Paulo
  # BST - Asia/Dhaka
  # CAT - Africa/Harare
  # CNT - America/St_Johns
  # CST - America/Chicago
  # CTT - Asia/Shanghai
  # EAT - Africa/Addis_Ababa
  # ECT - Europe/Paris
  # IET - America/Indiana/Indianapolis
  # IST - Asia/Kolkata
  # JST - Asia/Tokyo
  # MIT - Pacific/Apia
  # NET - Asia/Yerevan
  # NST - Pacific/Auckland
  # PLT - Asia/Karachi
  # PNT - America/Phoenix
  # PRT - America/Puerto_Rico
  # PST - America/Los_Angeles
  # SST - Pacific/Guadalcanal
  # VST - Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
  # If you set a wrong time zone, plugin will get error, be CAREFUL!
  time-zone: "Asia/Shanghai"
  # When will we reset the data every day?
  # Use HH:mm:ss format here.
  # Well, don't worry, if you set a wrong time format here, plugin will auto set it to 00:00:00.
  reset-time: "00:00:00"
  # How often we check the time?
  # Use tick, 20 tick = 1 second.
  period-time: 20

# Join Tip Feature
  # Enable this nice feature?
  enabled: true
  # Join tip will display ONLY when those rules have use times left.
    - "Default_Rule"
    # Don't set a wrong rule here!!!
    # Otherwise, players will never see the tips.
    # - "More_Rule"
  # The command that be executed by players when click the tip.
  command: "exchange"

# Permission Feature
  # Enabled this feature?
  # After enable, players will only can use the rule when they have economyexchange.<Rule Name> permission.
  enabled: false
  # Rules that don't require permission.
    - "Default-Rule"

# Custom Language Feature
# Can set Hex Color here, use &#ff0000 as format, "ff0000" is hex color code.
  plugin-reloaded: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fPlugin reloaded!"
  join-tip: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fYou can now cost money to get points, click here to learn more!"
  error-only-in-game: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou have to use this command in game!"
  error-miss-permission: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
  error-miss-permission-rule: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have permission to use this rule!"
  error-only-use-with-permission: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have permission to do this!"
  error-args: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cWrong command usage, if you need help, use /economyexchange help!"
  error-incorrect-args-int: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou must type a number here!"
  error-incorrect-args-rule: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cWe can't find this rule!"
  error-player-not-found: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cWe can't find this player!"
  error-config-error: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cThere is something wrong in your config file!"
  error-config-error-rule: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cThere is something wrong in your rule configs!"
  error-max-times-per-players: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou have reached the max times of this rule!"
  error-max-times-global-players: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cServer have reached the max times of this rule!"
  error-mysql-error: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cCan't connect MySQL database!"
  error-mysql-not-installed: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cCan't find MySQL drive class!"
  error-sqlite-error: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cCan't connect SQLLite database!"
  error-sqlite-not-installed: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cCan't find SQLLite drive class!"
  # All messages also support multi lines, just do it like this!
  help-main: |
    &#98FB98&lEconomyExchange &7Made by @PQguanfang
    &f/economyexchange help &7- View help.
    &f/economyexchange use <ruleName> &7- Use the specified rule.
    &f/economyexchange use <ruleName> <useTimes> &7- Use the specified rule for multiple times.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> &7 - View your left times of the rule.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> global&7 - View server left times of the rule.
  help-main-admin: |
    &#98FB98&lEconomyExchange &7Made by @PQguanfang
    &f/economyexchange help &7- View help.
    &f/economyexchange use <ruleName> &7- Use the specified rule.
    &f/economyexchange use <ruleName> <useTimes> &7- Use the specified rule for multiple times.
    &f/economyexchange reload &7- Reload the plugin.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> &7 - View your left times of the rule.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> global&7 - View server left times of the rule.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> <playerName> &7 - View specified player left times of the rule.
    &f/economyexchange set <ruleName> <amount> &7 - Set your left times of the rule to specified amount.
    &f/economyexchange set <ruleName> <playerName> <amount> &7 - Set specified player left times of the rule to specified amount.
    &f/economyexchange set <ruleName> global <amount> &7 - Set server left times of the rule to specified amount.
    &f/economyexchange reset &7 - Reset all data.
    &f/economyexchange reset <ruleName> &7 - Reset specified rule data.
  help-main-console: |
    &#98FB98&lEconomyExchange &7Made by @PQguanfang
    &f/economyexchange help &7- View help.
    &f/economyexchange reload &7- Reload the plugin.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> global&7 - View server left times of the rule.
    &f/economyexchange view <ruleName> <playerName> &7 - View specified player left times of the rule.
    &f/economyexchange set <ruleName> <playerName> <amount> &7 - Set specified player left times of the rule to specified amount.
    &f/economyexchange set <ruleName> global <amount> &7 - Set server left times of the rule to specified amount.
    &f/economyexchange reset &7 - Reset all data.
    &f/economyexchange reset <ruleName> &7 - Reset specified rule data.
  exchange-success-PlayerPoints: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully exchange %amount% Points!"
  exchange-failure-PlayerPoints: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have enough Points!"
  exchange-success-Vault: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully exchange %amount% Coins!"
  exchange-failure-Vault: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have enough Coins!"
  exchange-success-GamePoints: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully exchange %amount% Points!"
  exchange-failure-GamePoints: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have enough Points!"
  exchange-success-PlayerTitle: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully exchange %amount% Title Coins!"
  exchange-failure-PlayerTitle: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have enough Title Coins!"
  exchange-success-EliteMobs: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully exchange %amount% Elite Coins!"
  exchange-failure-EliteMobs: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have enough Elite Coins!"
  exchange-success-PEconomy: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully exchange %amount% Currency Coin!"
  exchange-failure-PEconomy: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &cYou don't have enough Currency Coin!"
  view-player: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fYour %rule% rule has %amount% use times left."
  view-player-global: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fServer %rule% rule has %amount% use times left."
  view-player-admin: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSpecified player %rule% rule has %amount% use times left."
  reset-success: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully reset all data!"
  reset-success-rule: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully reset %rule% rule data!"
  set-success-self: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully set your %rule% rule use times to %amount%!"
  set-success-player: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully set %player% set your %rule% rule use times to %amount%!"
  set-success-global: "&#98FB98[EconomyExchange] &fSuccessfully set server %rule% rule use times to %amount%!"

Last updated