Exchange Rules

Where can I find them?

Open config.yml file, all content above the "mysql" key is exchange rules config.

In the example config.yml file, we provide 2 exchange rules for you, which is named "Default_Rule" and "VIP_Rule".

Rule Name

"Default_Rule" is Rule Name. It will be used in command arg, its can't have special characters, otherwise plugin will print error and can not be used.

For example, "Default-Rule" is a incorrect name, because it is includes "-" character.

Rule Options

All rule have 6 rule options:

  • Exchange Economy Type

exchange-economy-type: PlayerPoints

Economy Type can be set to: "PlayerPoints", "Vault", "GamePoints", "EliteMobs", "PlayerTitle", "PlayerTask", "PEconomy;;<currencyName>", "UltraEconomy;;<currencyName>" or "Custom;;<placeholder>;;<giveCommand>;;<takeCommand>".

  • Exchange Economy Amount

exchange-amount: 1

Economy Amount must be a positive integer.

  • Cost Economy Type

cost-economy-type: Vault
  • Cost Economy Amount

cost-amount: 100
  • Max use times per players

max-times-per-players: 10
  • Max use times global server

max-times-global-players: 100

Last updated